Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Who knew saving money could be this much fun?

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Southpoint Clippers IN2IT group blog spot!

The purpose of this blog is to keep our members informed, share tips and ideas, and attract new members!

For those of who don't know what the Southpoint Clippers IN2IT group is, it is a group of people who are "IN2IT". We are into coupons! Saving green! Pinching pennies. Stretching our dollar until it screams!

We are also into God, and our Savior Jesus Christ. Many of our members attend Southpoint Community Christian Church in Trenton. However, our group is not exclusive. Anyone who is interested in fellowshiping, sharing money saving tips and ideas, swapping coupons, making friends.... is welcomed.

Our second meeting was Tuesday, October 20, 2009 and it was a blast! There was a lot of information given and a lot of great tips and ideas shared. I bet a lot of you would like to be in on all the fun right? Well, here is a taste of what our group is doing:

~ Collecting expired coupons for the military.
~ Swap coupons with other members.
~ Share advice on how and where to obtain valuable coupons, and how to organize them. Exp. coupon binder
~ Share homemade recipes for everyday household items like laundry detergent.
~ Short devotional and prayer.

This just touches the surface of what our group is doing! We are just getting off the ground! We plan on organizing ways to use our abundance of stockpiling to bless others in whatever ways we can. So what does that look like? We could donate to the food pantry or share our coupons with people in our community who really need them. We are also actively seeking suggestions for doing a group project for the holidays. So please e-mail me or post your ideas in the comment section.

My e-mail address is: Mom2SamanthaRenee@yahoo.com

Now that I have told you some of the things our group is doing, what about the tips?

Well...you will have to come to our meetings to get that information.

What fun would it be if you could just log on and print out the information? We need your input! Come check our group out!!!

If you come to our group some of the things available to you:

* Recipe for homemade laundry detergent
* Recipe for homemade applesauce in the crockpot (yummy!)
* Where to find coupons hand-out.
* How to creat a coupon binder hand-out.
* Continuing list of helpful websites to check out.
* Coupon Terminology hand-out
* How to figure out your savings percentage hand-out.
* Valuable information on Christian Finances (adapted from various trusted websites)

...and LOTS MORE!

You don't want to miss out on all the tips and ideas discussed at the meeting do you? I didn't think so. So come check us out! Our group is held bi-weekly on Tuesday's, 6:00 to 7:30 pm in Trenton (contact me for meeting place details).

Our next meeting is November 3, 2009.

I hope to see you there!

Check out these websites:

Gather Little By Little
The Simple Dollar
Everyday Cheapskate

Hot tips:

~ Target is now issuing 5 cent credits for each reusable bag you use while checking out at their store! So put those bags you have been forgetting to take to good use! (FYI, I heard there is a limit)

~ Go to the Meijer website (Meijers) website to sign up for the Meijer Community Rewards program. It's FREE! Southpoint earns money with your purchases! See website for details! Southpoint's organization code is #960148

~ Sign up for an account on RedBox and receive a free movie rental.

One last word in case you're still wondering whether coupons can REALLY save you lots of $$...

A special thanks to Gina for volunteering to host at her home, and everyone who has contributed tips and ideas!

If you have a HOT TIP you would like to share before our next meeting feel free to leave it in the latest blogs comments. Let's get used to checking the blog daily to view (or contribute) any new tips.

Have a blessed day and thanks for reading!!!!

To send me e-mail, send to: Mom2SamanthaRenee@yahoo.com



  1. Good job, sweetheart. I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work!!!

    Love always...

  2. Site looks great Jess! I am excited at how fast your group is taking off,and that I am a part of it ~ thank you!! =)


  3. Great job on the intro and I loved loved loved the video.....how inspirational!

  4. ~ Sign up for HOT TIPS from Terri on Twitter. She is the founder of The Grocery Game.


    ~ Time to clean out the freezer. This article has some helpful info:


  5. Check out Southgate Meijer. Binders are on clearance! Center aisle near the office supplies. ~ Thanks Kelly
